Monday 16 August 2010

Katzenjammers: Prost!

There are fewer cosier places in the world than German beer cellars. So what a joy to discover Katzenjammers in Borough Market on a dull Sunday afternoon. Yeah so it's tacky, yes there are girls walking round in ill-fitting durndls, and yes, it's slightly overpriced, but they still manage to create that everything is alright with the world feeling that personifies Bavaria.

This feeling could of course have nothing to do with a small wooden tabled filled basement and everything to do with the above. This is Paulaner dunkel, and is very tasty. Something I would never drink at home or in an English pub, but here (and in The Dove) it's like an old friend. One and a half of these and everything is beautiful. London is suddenly the best city in the world, with the most incredible sunsets. My we are lucky to be alive.

The food's nice too, warm crisp pretzeln, sausages, cheese, potatoes, big hunks of pork with knives sticking out of them, the echt thing. No better place to forget the week. Overdo the Jaeger bombs though (as the stag party beside us did), and you may not necessarily feel the same.

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